Produkty dla en organizacja (2127)

Funkcjonalne integratory żywności w gumie do żucia w słoiku

Funkcjonalne integratory żywności w gumie do żucia w słoiku

I chewing gum funzionali in barattolo offrono un modo pratico e conveniente per integrare la dieta con nutrienti essenziali. Questi barattoli contengono una quantità generosa di chewing gum, garantendo un'integrazione continua e a lungo termine. Ideali per chi cerca un'alternativa gustosa e facile da assumere, i chewing gum in barattolo sono una scelta popolare per chi desidera un'integrazione discreta e piacevole.
Odporny Dextrin

Odporny Dextrin

Resistant Dextrin is a kind of low calorie dextran obtained from corn starch by heating decomposition in acid condition. It belongs to low molecular water-soluble dietary fiber. Soluble dietary fiber affects food intake. It can reduce weight while controlling energy intake. EC number:232-675-4 Molecular Formula:C6H12O6 CAS No:9004-53-9
Rośliny Malinowe Owoce PRO - Hurtowy Dostawca Roślin Malinowych w Cenie Producenta, Ekologiczne i Konwencjonalne

Rośliny Malinowe Owoce PRO - Hurtowy Dostawca Roślin Malinowych w Cenie Producenta, Ekologiczne i Konwencjonalne

Bairiverse, fournisseur et grossiste spécialisé en plants de framboisier bio et conventionnel, vous propose une large gamme à prix producteur. Bénéficiez d’un service commercial joignable et réactif 24h, avec devis gratuit et conseils personnalisés pour répondre à vos besoins en production. Livraison rapide partout en Europe et commandes groupées possibles. Nos plants de framboisiers, soigneusement sélectionnés, assurent des rendements optimaux dans le respect des standards de qualité. Faites confiance à Bairiverse pour réussir vos plantations de framboisiers et booster votre productivité avec des plants adaptés à l’agriculture biologique et conventionnelle. Vente en ligne et accompagnement dédié pour votre projet agricole. Conditionnement : Plant Racine-nue ; Godet 9 ; G8 ; G7 ; Mini-Mottes 3,5cm ; Pot 1L ; Pot 1,6L ; Pot 2L ; Pot 3L ; Pot 1,5 Site internet :
Bio szafran - Hurtowa sprzedaż szafranu

Bio szafran - Hurtowa sprzedaż szafranu

Safran bio du Maroc. Fournisseur et grossiste de safran certifié bio. Producteur safran qualité supérieure.
Leave-in + Kontrola krawędzi

Leave-in + Kontrola krawędzi

Ce pack contient : 1 leave-in. conditioner sans rinçage 1 edge control
Spirulina + Chlorella - Organiczna Chlorella + Spirulina Mieszanka - Tabletki / Granulki

Spirulina + Chlorella - Organiczna Chlorella + Spirulina Mieszanka - Tabletki / Granulki

The highest standards in cultivation and processing and constant monitoring guarantee the consistently high quality of Amazonas Chlorella and Spirulina products. Our algae, cultivated exclusively in spring water, are pressed into tablets without auxiliary substances or additives. We have combined the positive properties of both microalgae in one tablet, because both algae have different positive properties. Chlorella convinces with its unique ability to bind and eliminate unwanted substances in the body and thus helps the organism to recover more quickly after physical activity. Spirulina, the healthy "nutrient bomb", is particularly rich in vegetable protein and B vitamins. The alga also supports the oxygen supply of the cells and muscle development. mix organic tablets à 400 mg ( 50%Chlorella+50%Spirulina ):300g Origin:China


Description Semer cet engrais vert après vos récoltes va vous permettre non seulement d’enrichir vos sols pendant l’hiver mais aussi de vous préserver contre toutes les “mauvaises herbes”. Cette belle fleur jaune mellifère va occuper le terrain et vous apportera un gain d’entretien. Autres plantes couvrantes : tournesol, phacélie, sarrasin, Avant qu’elle ne monte en graines, il suffira de broyer et d’enfouir le tout. Utilisation : Epandage à la volée raison de 40/50 g au m2 Recouvrir et arroser légèrement. Conditionnement : 500 g, 1 kg, 5kg, 10 kg Vidéo Roland Motte : plantes couvrantes POIDS:ND DIMENSIONS:ND POIDS:100 g, 500 g, 1 kg, 10 kg, 25 kg, 5 kg
Ekologiczna Mąka Owsiana - Kupić Ekologiczną Mąkę Owsianą? | Hurt | VehGroshop | Marka Prywatna

Ekologiczna Mąka Owsiana - Kupić Ekologiczną Mąkę Owsianą? | Hurt | VehGroshop | Marka Prywatna

Herkunft: Unser biologisches Hafermehl beginnt mit biologisch angebauten und geernteten Hafern aus Finnland. Was ist Hafermehl? Hafermehl besteht aus Haferkörnern, die zu Mehl gemahlen werden. Es ist nicht dasselbe wie Haferflocken, bei denen Haferkörner geschnitten und flach gerollt werden. Hafermehl eignet sich hervorragend als Backzutat für Kuchen, Pfannkuchen, Kekse usw. Hafermehl ist gesund Hafernmehl ist eine gesunde Alternative zu Weizenmehl. Es enthält viele wichtige Vitamine (B-Vitamine), Mineralien (einschließlich Magnesium und Eisen) und Antioxidantien. Hafer enthält auch langsame Kohlenhydrate, was ihn zu einer idealen Komponente zum Frühstück macht. Nach dem Verzehr von langsamen Kohlenhydraten behalten Sie ein zufriedenes Gefühl über einen längeren Zeitraum.


Sono composti fenolici, rafforzano i capillari e li diminuiscono permeabilità, aiutano a prevenire emorragie e rotture dell'occhio capillari LUTEINA È un carotenoide polare, che è presente nella macula della retina e svolge un'azione protettiva ruolo nei confronti dell'epitelio fotoossidativo e dei fotorecettori. È utile per proteggere il macula da degenerazione senile, sia in forma atrofica che essudativa. COENZIMA Q10 È localizzato nelle membrane dei mitocondri, dove svolge un ruolo importante nel trasporto degli elettroni, che funge da centrale elettrica. Promuovere la produzione di ATP nel presenza di ossigeno, svolgendo un ruolo neuroprotettivo nella fisiopatologia della maculare degenerazione, glaucoma e mal di testa, in virtù delle sue caratteristiche di potente scavenger, un'azione che consentirebbe al mitocondrio di utilizzare al meglio il riserve energetiche rimanenti, anche nelle situazioni più stressanti. Confezione:30 compresse
Ręcznik plażowy Kikoy

Ręcznik plażowy Kikoy

Kikoy Beach Towel SKU:52-sh-yel Model:Sunrise Yellow
Czerwone fasole

Czerwone fasole

Shiny kidney beans are a unique product available throughout Europe. We are the best wholesaler of kidney beans in Germany, supplying red, shiny, and black kidney beans. Our shiny kidney beans are known for their high nutritional value and are excellent for a variety of dishes. Our customers appreciate the quality and freshness of our shiny kidney beans. We work with leading farmers to ensure that our beans meet the highest standards. With our efficient logistics, we can guarantee fast deliveries across Europe. Contact us to learn more about our offerings and how we can help you meet your needs.
Mleko Milkyland 1,5%

Mleko Milkyland 1,5%

Milkyland milk 1.5% is a high-quality semi-skimmed milk that offers a rich and creamy taste with a reduced fat content. This milk is perfect for those who want to enjoy the delicious flavor of milk while maintaining a balanced diet. Ideal for drinking on its own, adding to coffee or tea, or using in cooking and baking, Milkyland milk 1.5% is a versatile choice for any kitchen. Crafted with care and precision, Milkyland milk is treated with UHT processing to ensure a long shelf life without compromising on taste or quality. It is an excellent source of calcium and protein, making it a nutritious addition to your daily routine. Whether you're enjoying a glass of milk with breakfast or using it in your favorite recipes, Milkyland milk 1.5% is sure to satisfy your taste buds and meet your nutritional needs.
Krem przeciwstarzeniowy do twarzy i okolic oczu

Krem przeciwstarzeniowy do twarzy i okolic oczu

Crema Anti-Age Scopri il Prodotto L'azione anti-age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è determinata dalla sapiente miscelazione di ingredienti della tradizione cosmetica con attivi innovativi. Contiene un preparato brevettato di due principi attivi estratti da cellule staminali vegetali, per una tripla azione, dalla rivoluzionaria performance anti-age. La crema viso e contorno occhi anti-Age Staminax è sviluppata, prodotta e confezionata in Italia da professionisti farmaceutici e cosmetici con esperienza decennale. La Formula I due attivi, sono inclusi in una formula preziosa, con Olio d'Argan, Olio di Jojoba, Olio di Vinaccioli e Burro di Karatè. Per un prodotto sublime 99,8% di ingredienti Naturali 50,2% di ingredienti Biologici Senza Profumo Senza Parabeni Senza OGM Senza derivati animali Vegano Non testato su animali L'Efficacia Il potere Anti-Age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è garantito dall'alto contenuto di estratti da cellule staminali vegetali. Il primo stimola le nostre cellule a produrre collagene normalmente presente nella pelle umana, donando elasticità alla pelle, prevenendo e riducendo le rughe. Il secondo stimola la degradazione della bilirubina riducendo le occhiaie e migliora la microcircolazione riducendo le occhiaie. Gli Studi Sicurezza e Efficacia: Dermatologicamente testato su pelli sensibili, studio condotto su 25 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo. Nichel Tested Testato per altri 8 metalli pesanti Efficacia testa in Vivo, studio condotto su 30 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo. Per aproffondimenti visita il sito :
Rozdrobniona czerwona chili

Rozdrobniona czerwona chili

Crushed red chili is a popular spice known for its varying levels of heat, from mild to extremely spicy. It is used in stews, soups, and bean dishes, and is a staple in Hispanic cuisine. Red chili enhances the flavor of tomato-based stews, sauces, and soups, and is used in oriental noodle dishes. To maintain its potency, crushed red chili should be stored in airtight containers, away from light and moisture.
Cordyceps - Grzyby, superfood, organiczny

Cordyceps - Grzyby, superfood, organiczny

Il Cordyceps è un genere di funghi della tradizione cinese noti per le loro proprietà medicinali e per il loro ciclo di vita unico. È disponibile sotto forma di polveri.
Krem do stóp Mleko osła - 100 ml - Krem do stóp Mleko osła

Krem do stóp Mleko osła - 100 ml - Krem do stóp Mleko osła

"Rijke voetcrème geïnspireerd door de unieke voedende, hydraterende en herstellende eigenschappen van ezelsmelk.De ezelmelkvoetroom is verrijkt met natuurlijk hyaluronzuur, salicylzuur en ureum en beschermt de huid, herstelt droge en gebarsten voeten en hakken.Met deze voetcrème ezelmelk zul je snel van je pijnlijke voeten of hakken afkomen. Ezelsmelk staat traditioneel bekend om zijn genezende en hydraterende eigenschappen en is rijk aan vitamines en mineralen zoals vitamine A, B1, B2, C en D, calcium, magnesium en kalium. De crème wordt snel geabsorbeerd en laat geen vettig residu op de voeten achter, zodat u meteen kunt doorgaan met uw dagelijkse activiteiten.Deze voetcrème is een zeer goede keuze als je een gevoelige huid hebt, omdat de ezelmelkvoetroom vrij is van schadelijke chemicaliën zoals minerale olie, parabenen en petrolatum.Donkere melk is hypoallergeen, antibacterieel, vol vitamines en mineralen en is daarom geschikt voor een droge huid."
Stały Nawóz Organiczny - BeneSOL PHORK

Stały Nawóz Organiczny - BeneSOL PHORK

BeneSOL PHORK is an organic solid fertilizer on basis of pig manure. BeneSOL PHORK holds a very high phosphate level which is particularly beneficial at the start of the growing season. This results in a quick crop response and a strong effect on rooting and vegetative growth. Besides that, BeneSOL PHORK contains a high level of zinc which is particularly useful during the auxin synthesis. This is an important growth regulator. Proper fertilization with this product can prevent deficiency symptoms in crops during the growth period. The application of this fertilizer makes for a better fertility and an enormous increase in organic matter. This leads to a better symbiose between roots and soil microbes. The pellet size of 4 mm makes it easy to spread the fertilizer. This fertilizer is produced in compliance with EU regulations EC 1069/2009 and EU 142/2011. Pellet diameter 4 mm:Humidity 9% Dry matter 91%:Organic matter 72% 100% organic and ecological:High in humus
ORGANICZNY płynny ekstrakt imbirowy; ORGANICZNY proszek imbirowy; imbir - Chem2Market GmbH

ORGANICZNY płynny ekstrakt imbirowy; ORGANICZNY proszek imbirowy; imbir - Chem2Market GmbH

"Quality: for food Processed plant part: Root Carrier: none Scientific name: Zingiber officinale Roscoe Ginger is an aromatic root that can be used in the kitchen and is widespread in traditional medicine. Our products are sold in bulk. There is a minimum order quantity of 25kg for most of our products. Samples can be provided. Plants2Market is also BIO, HACCP and DIN EN ISO 9001 certified.
Olej Warzywny Neem

Olej Warzywny Neem

Neem vegetable oil, extracted from the seeds of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), is prized for its medicinal properties and skin benefits. With antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, neem oil is effective in treating skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, and dermatitis. It is also used as a natural insect repellent due to its insecticidal properties. Additionally, neem is known for its ability to soothe scalp irritations, strengthen hair, and prevent dandruff. Organic neem oil also available. CONTAINER:25 kg. 200kg. IBC 1000kg. INCI:Melia azdirachta Seed Oil CAS:8002-65-1 / 90063-92-6 EINECS:290-052-2
PLECAK TROLLEY BIUROWY ART. MASTER - Personalizowany plecak trolley do biura

PLECAK TROLLEY BIUROWY ART. MASTER - Personalizowany plecak trolley do biura

Zaino/trolley per ufficio in tessuto 1680D, contiene massimo un PC da 15'. Maniglia e pulsante di blocco. Utilizzo a zaino e con ruote. Dimensione: cm 33x49x23. Personalizzabile con logo ricamato, patch cucito, stampa. Quantità minima:No minimi Tempi di consegna:5/7 giorni Prezzo:A preventivo
Organiczny Hydrosol Geranium - Hydrosole

Organiczny Hydrosol Geranium - Hydrosole

Geranium hydrosol is a colorless or slightly yellowish liquid obtained through the steam distillation of the leaves and flowers of the Pelargonium graveolens plant. This technique allows for the extraction of both the essential oil and the condensed water, which is the hydrosol. Geranium is a plant native to South Africa, but its cultivation has spread worldwide due to its medicinal, cosmetic, and aromatic properties and uses. Geranium hydrosol has a very pleasant floral, sweet, and fresh aroma, making it ideal for adding to soaps, creams, lotions, perfumes, and other personal care and home products. Among the properties of geranium hydrosol are its toning, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiseptic, and healing effects on the skin. Therefore, it is used to treat irritations, eczema, acne, wrinkles, wounds, and other skin conditions. It can also be beneficial for relieving pain. VOLUME: 25L
Energia - Ekologiczna Herbata Ziołowa CBD - Hemp+

Energia - Ekologiczna Herbata Ziołowa CBD - Hemp+

La combinaison des propriétés anti oxydantes des feuilles d’orties à celles du CBD offrent un puissant cocktail pour combattre le stress oxydatif des cellules et le vieillissement de l’organisme. Antiseptique très efficace, l’écorce de citron a des propriétés rajeunissantes et astringents. Combinée à du rooïbos vert riche en Vitamine C, HEMP+ ENERGIE TISANE BIO INFUSEE AU CBD est à consommer dans sa routine sport pour optimiser ses performances et son niveau d’énergie globale.
Mrożone owoce

Mrożone owoce

Frozen fruit
Organiczna pulpa z aloesu

Organiczna pulpa z aloesu

Aloe Vera with Zayma Aloe vera is more than a plant; It is a compendium of well-being and beauty. This gel is a treasure for cosmetics, containing vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. Aloe Vera is a translucent liquid with large pieces of pulp that is processed from the inner fillet of aloe leaves. This product has a slight vegetable odor and a bland taste. The Aloe plant is employed as a dietary supplement in a variety of foods and as an ingredient in cosmetic products. Chemical analysis reveals that the Aloe plant contains various polysaccharides and phenolic chemicals, notably anthraquinones. Certification granted; USD Organic, Kosher and Halal. We can offer organic and conventional aloe vera in drums 200 kg. Ask for more information. Organic aloe vera:500 tons
Zapalnik, hurtowy dostawca zapalników z wełny drzewnej - Karton 3,0 kg

Zapalnik, hurtowy dostawca zapalników z wełny drzewnej - Karton 3,0 kg

Offer your customers our Natural Wood Wool Firelighters, supplied in a compact 3 kg carton box. These eco-friendly starters are composed of densely spun wood fibers, ensuring swift ignition for fireplaces and barbecues. The carton box packaging is sturdy and space-efficient, making it perfect for retail shelves and bulk storage. Ideal for eco-conscious consumers, these firelighters provide a clean and efficient burn, serving as an excellent alternative to chemical options. Enhance your wholesale offerings with this easy-to-use, sustainable fire solution. Carton box 3,0 kg Personalized printing available Material: wax dipped pine wood shavings Full pallet 120 boxes FSC certified Full truck 3960 boxes


Dieser organische flüssiger Düngemittel ist ein konzentrierter Algenextrakt aus Ascophyllum nodosum der nachhaltig im Nordatlantik geerntet wird. Es ist ein natürliches Produkt und enthält reichlich Kalium und wertvollle bioaktiven Verbindungen für Pflanzen. Dieser organische Flüssigdünger wird verwendet, um das Pflanzenwachstum zu fördern, ihre Wurzeln zu stärken und die Widerstandsfähigkeit der Pflanzen gegen Krankheiten und insbesondere gegen die Stresse die durch häufige ungeeignete Bewässerungs-und Temperaturenschwankungen verursacht werden. (verkauft in 6 Einheiten pro Packung) Natural:Enviromental friendly Concentrated:Sustainable
Organiczny olej Sacha Inchi w beczkach 60-litrowych - Jadalny olej roślinny w beczkach 60-litrowych dla przemysłu spożywczego

Organiczny olej Sacha Inchi w beczkach 60-litrowych - Jadalny olej roślinny w beczkach 60-litrowych dla przemysłu spożywczego

L'olio di Sacha Inchi in fusti cilindrici di metallo da 60 litri della marca Shanantina è disponibile per la distribuzione al mercato europeo e internazionale. Beez è un importatore, distributore e grossista di questo olio vegetale biologico di alta qualità. Questo olio vegetale è un prodotto alimentare fatto dai semi di Sacha Inchi che sono stati sgusciati e pressati a freddo (prima spremitura a freddo). L'olio di Sacha Inchi è ricco di Omega 3, 6 e 9, così come di vitamine A ed E. Settori interessati : - Industria alimentare - Settore cosmetico Spedizione : Imballaggio primario: cilindro d'acciaio laminato a freddo, con rivestimento interno di vernice epossifenolica Valspar EHD002. Stoccaggio: Durata di conservazione: 18 mesi in condizioni ottimali di conservazione in un contenitore chiuso.
Bita Cola - Garcinia kola

Bita Cola - Garcinia kola

Explora los múltiples beneficios de la bita cola y descubre cómo este tesoro natural puede transformar tu vida, proporcionando bienestar y salud de manera sostenible y efectiva.
The Ordinary 100% Organiczny Olej z Owoców Rokitnika - Odmładzający

The Ordinary 100% Organiczny Olej z Owoców Rokitnika - Odmładzający

Unlock the rejuvenating power of The Ordinary 100% Organic Virgin Sea-Buckthorn Fruit Oil. This rich, cold-pressed oil is packed with essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins, offering deep hydration and nourishment to the skin. Sea-Buckthorn Fruit Oil is known for its ability to support skin regeneration, improve elasticity, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a youthful, radiant complexion. Our 100% Organic Virgin Sea-Buckthorn Fruit Oil is sustainably sourced and cruelty-free, ensuring the highest quality care for your skin. Suitable for all skin types, this versatile oil can be used on the face and body to provide long-lasting hydration and rejuvenation. Rejuvenates and deeply hydrates the skin Rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins Supports skin regeneration and improves elasticity Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles Promotes a youthful, radiant complexion Suitable for all skin types GTIN:769915190418